Town of Moreau

Town Board Agenda

In compliance with the NYS Open Meetings Law that took effect on February 2, 2012, attached are documents supporting the items on the agenda.

2025-3-25 Agenda with Supporting Docs 
2025-3-14 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2025-3-11 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2025-2-25 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2025-2-11 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2025-2-11 Highway Supplemental Info, Tandem Snowplow
2025-1-28 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2025-1-21 Agenda with Supporting Docs 
2025-1-14 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2025-1-7 Organizational Meeting Agenda and Supporting Docs
2024-12-23 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2024-12-10 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2024-11-26 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2024-11-12 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2024-10-29 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2024-10-8 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2024-9-24 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2024-9-10 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2024-8-27 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2024-8-13 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2024-7-23 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2024-7-9 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2024-6-25 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2024-6-11 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2024-5-28 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2024-05-14 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2024-04-23 Agenda with Supporting Docs - Revised
2024-4-9 Town Board Meeting Agenda and Support Docs
2024-4-1 Special Town Board Agenda and Local Law 3 of 2024 document
2024-03-26 Local Law Public Hearing, Month-End Audit, and
Regular Town Board Meeting Agenda & Supporting Documents

2024-03-12 Town Board Meeting Agenda and Supporting Documents
2024-02-27 Town Board Meeting Agenda and Supporting Documents - Revised
2024-2-13 Town Board Meeting Agenda and Support Documents
2024-1-26 Town Board Meeting Agenda & Support Document
2024-1-23 Agenda & Supporting Documents
2024-1-16 Agenda & Support Documents
2024-1-9 Agenda & Support Documents
January 2024 Organizational Meeting Agenda and Attachments - Revised
2023-12-21 Agenda
Agenda Items 2 & 3 Supporting Docs
Supporting Docs - Sewer Regulations
Agenda Items 4 - 10 Supporting Docs
2023-12-12 Agenda

2023-12-12 Public Hearing Supporting Documents:
Map, Plan & Report - Sewer Consolidation
Summary of the Joint Consolidation Agreement
Proposed Joint Consolidation Agreement

2023-12-12 Agenda with Supporting Docs
2023-12-12 Waste Hauling Bid Opening Minutes 12/08/2023

2023-11-28 Agenda

2023-11-28 Supporting Docs

2023-11-14 Agenda w/ Supporting Documents

11-14-2023 2024 Preliminary Town Budget

 11-14-2023 Additional Supporting Document

2023-11-14 Supporting Documents - Proposed Local Law 3 of 2023

2023-10-30 Special Town Board Meeting

2023-10-24 Additional Supporting Doc

2023-10-24 Agenda w Supporting Docs

2023-10-10 Agenda w Supporting Docs

2023-09-26 Agenda  w Supporting Docs

2023-09-12 Agenda w Supporting Docs

2023-08-29 Supporting Docs

2023-08-29  Agenda

2023-08-08 Agenda w/Supporting Docs

2023-07-20 Agenda

2023-07-11 Agenda

2023-06-27 Agenda w/Supporting Docs

2023-06-13 Agenda w/Supporting Docs

 2023-05-23 Agenda with Supporting Docs - DRAFT

2023-05-09 Agenda with Supporting Docs