Stormwater Management Program
STORMWATER HOTLINE: (518) 792-5675
ext. 101
Maureen Leerkes, Stormwater
Management Officer/Coordinator, 792-5675 ext. 101
The Town of Moreau is a NYS DEC
designated MS4 operator. As such, under the NYS DEC State
Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General
Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate
Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), Permit Number GP-0-15-003, the
Town must develop and implement an MS4 Program consisting
of six components referred to as Minimum Control Measures
These MCMs are:
1: Public Education
and Outreach. |
2: Public Participation/
Involvement. |
MCM 3: Illicit Discharge
Detection and Elimination (IDDE) |
4: Construction Site
Runoff Control. |
5: Post-Construction Runoff
Control. |
MCM 6: Pollution
Prevention & Good Housekeeping. |
Annually, the Town assesses its
Program by the completion of an annual report submitted to
the DEC. This report states goals which were set for the
previous year and assesses progress of those goals, and
establishes new goals for the upcoming year. The public is
encouraged to review the annual permit and provide
comments. See the "Documents" page for the current report
and previous years reports.
The Town of Moreau is part of the
Saratoga County Inter-Municipal Stormwater Management
Program, which assists the Town in MCM1: Public Education
and Outreach. See the Saratoga Inter-Municipal Stormwater
Program at:
For additional
information or to report a stormwater related issue,
please contact the Town's Stormwater Management Office at
(518)792-5675 Ext. 101
Town of Moreau MS4 Organizational Chart
Saratoga -
Inter-Municipal Stormwater Management Program
Annual Program Assessment Reports