The Town of Moreau Building Department is located at 351 Reynolds Road, Moreau, NY 12828-9261. Office hours are 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. Monday through Friday. The Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer, the Assistant Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer and the Building Department Clerk administer and enforce the Code of the Town of Moreau. The Town of Moreau Zoning Law was adopted in 1973. The Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for the administration and enforcement of this law. The Town Board has appointed a 5 (five) member Zoning Board of Appeals. This Board meets the 4th (fourth) Wednesday of each month and hears appeals to the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer’s determinations, area variances, use variances and special use permits. In conjunction with the Zoning Law the Town also adopted a law on Subdivision of Land. The Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for the administration and enforcement of this law. The Town Board has appointed a 7 (seven) member Planning Board. This Board meets the 3rd (third) Monday of each month and reviews all applications for subdivision of land, site plans, and special use permits. Construction in the Town of Moreau is governed by Chapter 74, FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION of the Code of the Town of Moreau and the NEW YORK STATE UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE. Any construction, addition, modification or conversion regulated by these codes shall require a building permit. Examples of work that require a building permit include: New residences, garages, additions, conversion of attic or storage space to living space, sheds, storage buildings, above and in-ground pools, change in electrical, plumbing or heating and/or cooling systems, structural alterations, septic systems, fireplaces, wood stoves, porches, decks, fences, commercial and industrial new construction, additions, structural alterations, modifications and conversions. This list is not inclusive and if there is any question as to whether or not a building permit is required, please contact the Building Department prior to starting any work. If the proposed construction activities, with some exceptions, will result in the disturbance of one (1) or more acres of land, then the permittee must obtain NYS Department of Environmental Conservation SPDES General Permit For Stormwater Discharges From Construction Activity Permit No. GP-0-15-002 coverage prior to the commencement of soil disturbance. Also requiring a permit are construction activities disturbing less than 1 acre, if they are part of a larger common plan of development or sale with a planned disturbance of equal to or greater than 1 acre. Inspections by the Building Inspector are required at various stages in the construction of any project. It is the property owner’s responsibility to make sure that all inspections are completed prior to starting the next step in the construction sequence. A Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance is required prior to occupancy or use of any facility requiring a building permit.
The Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer should be contacted if you have any questions concerning compliance with any of the above listed laws. Zoning Map of the Town of Moreau This map is available in Adobe Acrobat Reader format (pdf). If you need a copy of this map it is available at Town Hall in the Town Clerk's Office.