STAR Options
All homeowener's who purchased their home after 03/01/2015
must register for the STAR Credit program through New York
State. Your STAR savings will be in the form of a
check that you can use to help pay your full school bill.
To register for the STAR credit please
STAR Credit
With the STAR Credit option, you will receive a STAR check
each year, instead of receiving the savings on your school
bill. Through
the Credit option you will automatically get the savings
you are entitled to (Basic or Enhanced).
Once you apply for the STAR Credit you do not have
to reapply unless there is a change in ownership or
primary residence.
All homeowners can receive the savings only for
their primary residence if the combined income of the
owners and the owner’s spouse is $500,000 or less. Please
note that if you purchased your home after 03/01/2015 you
can only apply for the STAR Credit.
You must apply for the STAR Credit through the New York
State department of Tax and Finance (NYSDTF).
You can register by calling NYSDTF at (518)
457-2036 or clicking
HERE to register online.
The Deadline to apply is two weeks prior to July 1st.
STAR Exemption
Through the STAR Exemption you receive the savings on your
School tax bill.
If you are receiving the STAR Exemption you can
continue doing so as long as you meet the eligibility
The STAR Exemption is administered by the local assessor’s
For information regarding the Senior Enhanced benefit
please call the Assessor's Office at
(518) 792-1030x4
The Switch
If you are receiving the STAR Exemption you can choose to
switch to the STAR Credit program. Many residents
have switched to the Credit program for the potential of
receiving a greater benefit. The New York State
Department of Taxation and Finance best explains the
possible greater benefit in their Question and Asnwer
page. Please
CLICK HERE to view that page.
For more
information on the STAR programs please click
STAR Savings 2024
Basic STAR- $36,000
Enhanced STAR- $100,800
* The Basic & Enhanced STAR income limits are adjusted
annualy. please contact the assessor's office for more information