Town of Moreau

Town of Moreau Highway Department

Physical Location:  Route 9 about 1 mile north of the Exit 17 Interchange
Office Phone Number: (518) 792-5675  Fax Number: (518) 792-5697

Office  Hours -  Monday thru Friday  7:00 AM to 3:30 PM




     Town of Moreau Parking Notice

Parking Notice



APRIL 28th - MAY 22nd, 2025


9 a.m. - 3 p.m.




BALLSTON SPA, NY – The Saratoga County Office of Emergency Management today unveiled a new storm reporting tool for residents. Information collected through the Storm Damage Reporting Tool will help inform effective and timely planning and response to storm conditions and damage.

Residents can easily submit real-time information about severe weather-related events and storm-related damage to infrastructure in Saratoga County at

Residents simply choose whether they are reporting storm damage or severe weather and fill in the location, date, and time of the observation. Users also have the option of uploading a photo as well as including additional comments and their contact information.

This is not a replacement for 911. In emergencies, residents are always instructed to dial 911.

Carl Zeilman, Director of the Saratoga County Office of Emergency Management said, "We are proud to bring this Storm Reporting tool to Saratoga County residents.  The information collected from the tool will allow emergency management staff to better support efforts by public works, utilities, and hazard mitigation professionals following severe-weather events."

Information collected may be shared with first responders, town officials, the Saratoga County Office of Emergency Management, and the Saratoga County Department of Public Works if applicable.

For more information about the Saratoga County Office of Emergency Management, please visit  



The Highway Department is looking for Part-Time, On Call, Flag Person. Please visit the Job Opportunities section under the News, Events and More tab from the home page of this website.

Christopher Abrams
Highway Superintendent
Elyse Stocker, Image Unavailable
Elyse Stocker

Highway Clerk

Adopt-a-Highway Program

The Town will honor your organization's efforts with a special sign indicating your group's name. 
If interested, please contact Elyse.


                                      1. Do not park cars / trailers / basketball hoops on street or in Town right-of-way.
                                     2. Do not push, shovel or plow snow in, or across the street. (It’s the Law!!!)
                                     3. Do not allow Children to play or build snow forts near the street.
                                     4. Keep garbage cans and recyclable containers in driveway, out of the street.
                                     5. Stay clear of snowplows. (they often have to back-up) 
                                     6. Have mailboxes installed properly.
                                     7. Clear fire hydrants of snow near your home.
                                     8. Helpful to have storm drains uncovered so melting snow can drain.
                                     9. Wait until the plow goes by to shovel the last 10ft. of driveway.
                                   10. Keep fence and property markers clear of snow plowing operation.


Town's Right-of-Way

Residents are asked to have all parked cars and basketball hoops removed from the town's right-of-way.  During the winter season, these present a hazard to our snow plows and prevents them from properly cleaning the roads.

As per our Town of Moreau Code, Chapter 136, Article III, Paragraph 136-13, "The parking of vehicles is prohibited on all highways, roads, streets and right-of-ways, including all paved and non-paved areas and shoulders within the Town from November 1 to May 1.  Any vehicle parked in a restricted area during a snow storm or at such time when the Highway Department is removing snow from above stated areas, may by authority of the Highway Superintendent, be removed".

Damage to Private Property

It should be noted that the municipality is not held responsible for damage to private property that is located within the public right-of-way. The right-of-way (ROW) is often 50 feet wide and is often confused by property owners as their own property. In most cases, the ROW extends ten to twenty feet on either side of the paved or gravel road. Homeowners cultivate extensions of their lawns, place mailboxes, erect fences or stone walls in these areas, which improves the appearance of the street greatly, but is obstructive to a good maintenance from being conducted on the roadway. Homeowners should not put bark mulch, crushed rock, stone walls, fences (visible or invisible), irrigation systems, trees or lawns in the town right-of-way. The town is not liable for damage that may occur to property in its right-of-way. Many items interfere with heavy equipment and become a hazard for vehicles and pedestrians. They often cause drainage failures, and thereby road deterioration.

Location of Mailboxes

Mail and newspaper boxes are allowed, at the owner's risk within the right-of-way for the purposes of convenience. United States Postal bulletin 22102 states; "The Postal Service suggests using a semi-arch or extended arm support which allows snowplows to sweep near or under mailboxes without damaging supports and provides easy access to the mailboxes by carriers and customers". Please refer to the town's recommended policy on mailbox placement.

The following suggestions are for reducing the possibility of damage and liability:

Mailboxes should whenever possible, be installed at least three feet from the edge of pavement.

Installation should be sufficiently sturdy to withstand the weight of heavy snow resulting from plowing operations.